If you've recently had difficulty trying to finding a reliable source for durable, high-quality, American made bank bags that consistently get the job done, there's a good reason for that. Lately there have been some consolidations and closures in the bank supply industry, and, of course, shipping has been backlogged with distributors overseas. All of this has left customers looking for new options. The new options that they have found have tended to offer inferior or overpriced products, but through it all, US Bank Supply has always been a reliable supplier of high quality bank bags that are made right here in the U.S.A.
For our customers, this means that their supply has rarely been interrupted. We would like to welcome our new customers, and introduce them to the types of bank bags that we carry, the differences between them, and what makes them ideal for a specific use.
Canvas bags are heavy duty bags that are designed to be durable. They are often used for storing and transporting coins, but can be used for other heavy items as well. Coal bags are typically used by armored car services to transport coin to and from banks and large retail businesses. These tough cloth utility bags are made to order, right here in the USA.
Security bags are typically flat, cloth, locking bank bags that are designed for transporting small amounts of cash, checks, or other sensitive documents. These bags are made out of canvas, vinyl, or waterproof laminated nylon to protect the contents from being seen as well as from moisture damage. The zipper commonly includes a pop-up lock, which comes with keys and the front of the bag typically includes a framed clear card holder. The selections we carry are made here in the United States, so they are made and delivered to you promptly.
These clear or opaque plastic bags are intended to be used once and then discarded. The most popular brand that we carry, ECO STAT deposit bags, are the industry's most durable currency shipping bags, and are made with a biodegradable plastic film. Tamper-evident disposable bags have often supplanted cloth bags because of their ability to prevent unnoticed tampering of contents. They seal up and have a tear off tag, making them impossible to open unnoticed. Once sealed, only way to get the bag open is by ripping it.
We find that the most common usage of our 8x10 or 9x12 inch bags is by merchants or churches for night drop deposits. Our larger bags are used by banks and other cash handling financial institutions to put cash currency in for transport in an armored car to the Federal Reserve. The Fed requires that submitted bags be transparent so that they may easily see what is in the bag.
Our tamper evident coin bags are all approved by the Federal Reserve, and are offered in 3 sizes. These are heavy duty bags that are intended to contain coin. The largest size will hold up to 50 lbs of coin, and the next size down will support up to 25 lbs. You can select either one or two handles to help distribute weight.
All of our ECO STAT bags are made in the USA, and many of these very popular bags will ship within one day!
Zipper wallets are a simple, flat bag that is typically made out of vinyl and includes a zipper on the top. These are often branded with a bank's logo and information and given out to customers or merchants to be used to transport deposits, checks, or other documents. Again, these can be custom imprinted with a logo or other information, right here in the USA.
These sacks are made for transporting documents. There are three main styles of transit sacks that people commonly purchase:
Flat Transit Sacks: These are flat nylon bags that are sewn together to form what is essentially a cloth envelope. The top of the bag is typically fitted with a zipper and can be padlocked, if needed. They typically also include a card holder window on the side to put a card in, listing contents or delivery recipient. They are typically used as interoffice transit mailbags, which are often filled with documents and delivered from branch to branch via courier service.
Gusseted Transit Sacks: These are similar to the flat transit sacks previously mentioned, but instead of being flat, they have some depth to them, making them look more like a briefcase. This type of transit sack adds more space for bulkier items, such as printouts, file folders, or large stacks of paper.
Briefcase-Style Transit Sacks: These gusseted transit bags have wrap-around handles which give the bag added stability and can be carried more easily that the other varieties. They can easily be used like a duffle or tote. Tamper evident coin bags are often placed inside of these to transport them it in a stronger, more durable and portable container.
Are transit sacks made in the U.S.A.? Yes, all of our transit sacks are American made!
What is the difference between drop safe and cash register bags? Essentially they are the same thing, or can be used in similar ways. Drop safe bags are used by retail merchants to store unused or extra cash from the register in the safe. If the cash bag is big enough, or the til is small enough, they can sometimes put a whole tray in a secure bag for transport to and from the safe and register.
We hope that this article helps clarify which type of bag you need and which types of bags that we commonly sell. If you're looking for a specific type of bag that we have not discussed here, please reach try our site search, or reach out to see if we can special order a specific product for you. We're excited to be the ultimate source to fulfill your bank supply needs!
We accept all major credit cards and checks.
We ship to anywhere in the continental United States, D.C., and military bases.
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